A service designed for executives by executives
Retirement planning is unique for everyone: one shoe does not fit all. Your goals are personal, unique and can often be challenging to sort out. One-on-one retirement coaching for executives offers the best support possible for you to make some of the most important decisions for the next chapter of your life. Whether you need additional information after taking the Retirement course or you are looking to bypass the course, sharing your situation in a consultative confidential manner with a trusted expert, can bring peace of mind that you are making the best decisions available to you.
Participating in our Retirement Coaching allows you to benefit from years of experience with experts who have been inside government and understand the types of decisions you are facing. These decisions go beyond the financials. They can include understanding the variables of the pension plan that are unique to executives, selecting a date that fits your circumstances, balancing financial decisions with your life goals, etc. Hence the retirement coaching program has been created to help inform your decisions.
Instruction Methodology
The coaching commitment
It is simple, our advisors are here to help you with personalized advice that addresses your unique circumstances. Your sessions are virtual, in a one-on-one format, and governed by the coaching code of ethics and confidentiality.
The shortcut to key retirement considerations
The retirement coaching program is designed to help demystify all aspects of the decision making involved in the last few years of your public service career, so that you are set for your new adventures. Relevant topics for the coaching sessions include:
- Understanding the complexities of the government pension system
- Understanding policies including your terms and conditions that may impact your retirement decisions
- Planning your transition to retirement: what are your options should you decide to retire earlier and what do you need to know to make the best decisions possible
- Understanding the steps and timelines tied to the retirement process
- Selecting a date
- Navigating the advice and information from different stakeholders
- Tools and resources to support you in your decision making
- Considerations and implications if you are planning to work post retirement
- Planning your retirement vision - a holistic approach
- Embracing this new phase of life
Unable to attend?
Please contact us to discuss alternative dates that work for you.
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Course Outline