
This course is designed for policy analysts, program officers, and subject-matter experts of the ES/PM-3 to ES/PM-7 levels or equivalent and for managers. Experience in policy analysis or programme or operational design is not required. Thus, new recruits or seasoned policy analysts will all benefit from this workshop.

In most cases, the Policy Analysts' ToolBox workshop is a prerequisite for this workshop.


This workshop builds on the analytical framework established within the Policy ToolBox workshop, first by reviewing the first three analytical steps through a regulatory lens, and then by addressing several other key areas of concern for regulatory programs. You will learn about compliance strategies, drafting instructions, and special tools that help you to make appropriate choices of instruments consistent with the CDSR.


  • Compliance strategies;
  • RIAS-writing;
  • Drafting instructions;
  • The regulatory approvals process;
  • Dealing with Parliament;
  • Regulatory communications;
  • Performance measurement.
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Course Outline